To all NatCon25 exhibitors, sponsors and registrants: We want to make you aware of common scams targeting the events industry; specifically, fraudulent emails claiming to offer registration lists for sale and housing deals. Please keep the following in mind as you prepare for NatCon25.
Registration Lists
We have been notified about individuals reaching out to exhibitors and sponsors in an attempt to sell NatCon25 registration lists. In some cases, these scammers use the “NatCon” name and logo.
These individuals are NOT affiliated with us.
The senders are not NatCon25 partners, our IT systems have not been compromised and no lists have been illegally obtained. We do not sell, and have never sold, our registration or exhibitor information.
Housing "Deals"
Please be aware of individuals who claim to offer deals on hotel rooms. Known as “housing pirates,” these scammers may claim to be affiliated with NatCon25 — they are not.
No NatCon25-authorized organization will contact you about NatCon25 hotels or housing.
Do not provide any personal information or credit card details. If you do, your credit card may be charged and there is no guarantee you will have a room upon your arrival to Philadelphia.
Reporting Fraud
If you are contacted by someone asking if you would like to purchase a registration list or book a hotel room for NatCon25, please do the following:
Get as much information as you can, such as their name, email and phone number, as well as the name of their company and their company’s address.
If possible, request information on the hotel availability and rates they are promoting. The more information you are able to collect, the easier it will be for us to address this.
Once you have all of the information, please send it via email to Conference Team, so that we may follow up on your behalf to ensure you no longer receive these emails.
You can also report scammers to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission’s fraud division.
Delete the email(s) and block the sender(s).
Once notified, we will work closely with our legal team to issue cease-and-desist letters to these rogue parties. We will also update this webpage to reflect all active attempts at fraud.
Reported Scammers
NatCon25 is not affiliated with the following individuals or companies: